Performance Analysis

IFC Academy has the most advanced technological resources thanks to its technological partners. STATS LLC being one of the most important strategic tools, delivering both in match and post match reporting packages on a football performance analysis and match preparation based understanding. This allows IFC Academy to be able to deliver unique data and insights of each of their Academy players, thanks to AI Applied Technology Tools.

STATS LLC provides IFC Academy one of the most modern tools on the market, the STATS Edge, an online platform that objectively analyze team performance that compares game styles in play and splitting game in simultaneous understandable circuits. A dynamic review of each match, and a sophisticate scout platform in where each player is updated with the at Academy collected reliable data.

It also provides a dynamic review of matches, and has a great ability to scout players with the most reliable data in the industry.


For physical valuation IFC Academy has joined with the most recognized specialist in the country. Alejandro Kohan, recognized physical coach in Professional Argentinian Football. Alejandro is part of our staff, with more than 20 years of experience both in Strengh and Conditioning Football Directed trainings, with physical analysis tools and metrics and injury prevention studies. IFC Academy owns GPS equipment from Gps-Sports, which has developed sophisticated performance monitoring devices that incorporate advanced GPS tracking with heart rate control and accelerometer. Complementing Sports Nutritionists Professional guided review with the GPS Reporting specific values for individual follow up on every young player.

Comprehensive Tracking Solution

IFC Academy with STATS SportVU Football tracking algorithm which has been developed using some of the best capture, aggregation and analytical technologies. Supported by the award winning STATS data science team.

The tracking system allows to analyze the performance in real time and compare it with the performance of the training during the week, avoiding injuries. SportVU Tracking system delivers performance statistics by extracting and processing coordinates of players (x,y) and the ball ( x,y,z) through HD cameras as well as sophisticated software and statistical Algorithms.

IFC Academy based the speed, distance and possession date provided by SportVU tools as key insights to analysis for Youth Development and Professional Football Players. The combination of Innovative Players Tracking statistics delivers a rich historical information database of every player that was formed and lived the IFC Academy experience.